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National Institute of Design Madhya Pradesh (NID MP) offer world-class design education and to promote design awareness and application towards raising the quality of life.

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. IP is protected in law by, for example, patents, copyright, and trademarks, also called as Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create. An IPR policy is the cornerstone of innovation and creativity for academia. It provides structure, predictability, and a framework for talented minds to do what they do best: create and innovate. The aim is to contribute to transforming industry and society by delivering research- led education, promoting innovation, collaboration and fostering human values.

The key objectives of NIDMP IPR Cell:

  • To provide a framework to foster innovation and creativity in the areas of science, technology, design, and humanities by nurturing new ideas and research, in an ethical environment.
  • To protect intellectual property (IP) rights generated by faculty/ personnel, students, and staff of the institute, by translating their creative and innovative work into IP rights.
  • To lay down an efficient, fair, and transparent administrative process for ownership control and assignment of IP rights and sharing of revenues generated by IP, created, and owned by the institute. Additionally, in cases of government funded research, the inventor(s)/ organization(s) should disclose their IP filings to the Government Agency(s) that have funded their research.
  • To promote more collaborations between academia and industry through better clarity on IP ownership and IP licensing.
  • To create a mechanism for knowledge generation and its commercial exploitation. The purpose of IP commercialization is also to augment the financial self-sustenance goals of the institute & its centers of excellence and labs and to reward faculty and researchers.

Role of NIDMP IPR Cell:

  • To create awareness and guide the faculty, staff and students on the importance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs).
  • To disseminate knowledge on patents, patent regime in India and abroad and registration aspects.
  • To assist and guide for filing of IPR and preparation of documents.
  • To process the IPs documents for administrative approval and consequently with consulting agency.
  • To work on enabling and supporting technology/IP transfer and commercialization of granted IPRs.
  • To conduct Workshops, Seminars and Training courses on IPR.

Achievements of NIDMP:

  1. Patent Registration : Mr. Dasari Ashwith Kumar of Industrial Design Discipline for his invention of the "Tranquilizer Dart" (Application No. 202321028014)
  2. Design Registration : Ms. Rishika Jain of Industrial Design Discipline for "Bathroom Chair" designed for Senior Citizen" (Application No. 383915-001)
  3. Design Registration : Ms. Vinaya Shidore of Industrial Design Discipline for "Sansakha - Workbench" designed for Jute Craft Community." (Application No. 383914-001)

  4. Activities of NIDMP IPR Cell:

    Sr. No. Activities
    1. Online IPR awareness programme under NIPAM was organised on 04/10/22 in collaboration with RGNIIPM (Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management) Nagpur as a coordinator. The resource person was Mr. Pankaj Borkar, Dy. Controller of Patents & Designs.
    2. Offline IPR Awareness workshop was organised on 20/12/22, the resource person was Mr. Arpit Jain, Examiner of Patents & Designs, Patent Office, Mumbai, DPIIT, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India.

    Relevants Documents:

    Sr. No. Title Details
    1. Design Registration Form Download
    2. Patent Form Download
    3. Approval For Research Publication Form Download

    Contact Details:

    Dr. Rakesh K Vidhate
    Incharge-IPR Cell
    Call at: 0755-6721000 (ext-1175)
    Email: ipr[at]nidmp[dot]ac[dot]in